Sunday, September 15, 2013

Assignment WHO

Who am I?
I am a young lady who is determined and not deterred by obstacles that may be put in my way. I know that almost everybody says the same thing about themselves but, the only thing is I am not everybody. I have been thrown curve balls since I can remember. I am visually impaired and I am constantly taking a swing at a change up in my life. Things are not just handed to me, I have to fight for what I want. So aside from that aspect of myself I am also very fun, outgoing, and sweet. I believe that you should live in the moment because life is short and you only live once. However what defines me as a person is the fact that I have a very optimistic look on life. No matter what I am going through I always find a way to look at the glass half full instead of half empty.

My goals in life are; to be the best Mom that I can be to my son and hope that one day he will call me his roll model. To finish school, and eventually get a job helping children that are struggling with abuse in their lives. I feel that my purpose in life is to help abused children and make a difference in their lives in some way.

I would say the biggest influence in my life is my aunt. She has made an impact in my life in so many ways. She has shaped me into the young lady that I am today. She put me on the right path and helped me realize that everything happens for a reason and you just have to get up and take it as it comes. I love her and I thank god that she was there to help me when I needed her. Another big influence in my life is my son. Even though he is young he has influenced me to be strong for him and that even if we have nothing we will always have each other. I love him unconditionally

So an event in history that has shaped my life and the way I think was when Megan's Law was created and how sex offenders have to register their address and make themselves known. This has changed my thinking because not everyone that is a registered sex offender, a sex offender. They are deemed sex offenders because of other circumstances that are happening in there life. Also it changed the way I think because of the ignorance that is shown when someone is registered a sex offender and you know exactly where they live. Now what I mean by that is people act like they are an infected species and they treat these people differently and sometimes inhumanly. Now I am not saying that out guard should be down less but, just because someone is a registered sex offender and you know where they live that doesn't gibe you the right to try and play vigilante.

NOTE: I am NOT saying what the people that are sex offenders do is right but we should keep in mind that the ones who are out and incarcerated were deemed fit to live in society and they are still people.

Can I see my own biography being influenced by something that happened in history? Right now the true answer to that is not at this time but, maybe later on in the future. I am still young I still have an iota of years a head of me so maybe later on the answer will change.

I hope this post was interesting, I tried. Be happy! :)


  1. Hello Raven, this is Janet and first off I would like to say I like your positive energy as a women who seemed to have been though many obstacles. So many people will just sit down and complain about what is wrong and right and so on and so forth, but you clearly see past that and that there is more to life then staying on the negative side. The fact that you said your goal in life is “to be the best Mom that I can be to my son and hope that one day he will call me his roll model” that is so wonderful most women don’t know what that means. I work at a day care and I see that most parents don’t even value what it is to have a child to shape. With that said you seem like a very smart women with your head on straight, keep that going.

  2. Hey Raven, its Adonnii. I can already tell that you are loving and you have a great attitude. I really like the fact that you want to help abuse children in their homes. Not many people really see the problems in a household that a child has to endure and are willing to help them but I admire you for that. I also like the fact that you would like you son to see as a role model. Even though I'm pretty sure he already see's you that way I know that in later years he will be grateful to have you. I can tell you have great heart and I hope you get far in life.

  3. hey Raven
    this blog is really nice, i like the way that you introduce yourself, i got to know you more by just reading this blog entry. one of the thing that i like of this especific blog is your goal, keep going you will achieved them.
